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May 29, 2010
May 15, 2010
I've cme to the limit where i hate looking at my fat body -_-!
Thus, I'm seriously gonna take good care of my precious body.
I made a timetable which i will try to follow it starting tonight.
I've been doing cardio exercise and its killing my knee. haha
For 20 minutes of cardiovascular and I sweat badly. phew, it's good tho.:D
I have to drink my green tea alternately or else I will have problem going to the toilet.LOL
Dad told me to reduce drinking green tea cuz the tea has no sugar and I will be weak without sugar.huhu [since i don't like drinking sweet drink, my source of liquid is just plain water n green tea,lols]
My flower seeds are planted i'm waiting for them to grow and move them to their plots.
Beside cardio exercise, I dance bit by bit to not loose my ability. I was a bit stiff when i did the slick move, well that's the result of 2 months of no dance.
Here is my pretty timetable..haha
6.30am-7.00am : Subuh Prayer7.00am-8.00am: Cardio exercise8.00am-8.30am: Breakfast/relax8.30am-10.30am: Gardening/Play outside10.30am-12 noon: Shower/relax12 noon-2.30pm: Zuhur/Lunch2.30pm-4.30pm: Dance a bit/ read books4.30pm-5.00pm: Asar5.00pm-6.00pm: Relax6.00pm-7.30pm: Gardening7.30pm-8.30pm: Shower/Maghrib8.30pm-9.30pm: Dinner/Tv9.30pm-11.30pm: Relax/Isya'SLEEP!!!!!
May 12, 2010
While i was listening to gregory lemarchal song 'je suis en vie' this line caught my attention:
Aujourd'hui c'est moi qui grandiswhich means 'Today, it's me who grows up.' With everything that's going on around my world at the moment, i feel like I'm the one who's growing older and older with the way of thinking. Everyone is going backward, they became more and more like a child. I don't mean to be self-righteous but that's what i see and hear. Sometimes all of this made me feel so frustrated. ...now i don't know what else to write in here..
well never mind, i'l just write a bit about Gregory. He was the winner of the forth Star Academy France, i used to listen n watch their show on the french channel which i forgot the name. His first song that i heard was Je suis en vie and i started to listen to his other songs. When i play Mon Ange, it's melancholic when i remember the fact that Gregory died in 2007 from critical condition when he was about to do lung transplant. He was such a cute gentle boy. sigh. It's tragic to think that people can leave us in such a short time. Here's a fan made video of Mon Ange.
May 5, 2010
I've been occupying myself with whatever things i feel like to do or not to do. I started to dig n listen to gothic rock/metal music again. Mostly the symphonic ones, i can't stand the one with shout/scream lyrical. I would listen to:
×Within temptation (I ♥ them!!!),
×Nightwish- so breathtaking but tarja is out ;(,
×Blackmore's Night (Wish u were here is my fav~!)
×Tarja has a voice that gives u goosebumps,
×Abingdon Boys School,
×Apocalyptica (for some symphonies that is nice to hear).
Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, Chopin, Bach n etc are still and always be in the list. I've been listening to them since i was 9/10.
I first saw Within Temptation when i was in Qatar(2005 i think) on the Italian channel (i don't remember the name). It was Memories, the name of the song. It's such a sweet melodic song, with a meaningful lyric. Sharon's voice is angelic and most of her MV dresses are so beautiful!! so gothicly stunning ahhaha! Oh and 'What have u done' rawks~!! i totally love the song. :D
I like gothic style since I was small, around 12 or so. Their style for me is elegant, beautiful, unique and adequate. It's properly covered and the laces and ribbons make it looks so ladylike. The colours black,white and red, especially bloody red always been my fav colour. So that make me love gothic dresses more. hehe.
With my petit body, short legs n large bottom, Pants/jeans are my worst nightmare but i still have to wear them -_-! Dresses makes me feel comfy and in place. I love to look pretty as well.
It's the lace that tempt me the most :D.
Boots are another thing that will make me smile to the ear~~ knee length boots= i loooove~~ :D
Chocker are an option since it's can't be seen when i wear hijab
Black & white or Black & red stripe socks/hand socks. ;D
Long drappy skirts with much lace ;)
Even though i like goth style, it doesn't mean i'm so into it with all the goth goth thingy, no, just the dresses style. ;)
May 1, 2010
Today i woke up at 8.30 buuuut i continue to sleep and change my angle every 1/2 an hour after that hahaha n i finally woke up at 12 noon at the end of the bed! so i went to the bathroom, do the usual thing and went downstairs. i knew mama n ayah will blabber as usual ehehe. well i did try to wake up early ;(! i helped mama cleaning the kitchen n rearranging few stuffs. angah arrived here around 1++. i suddenly had the urge to clean my room! the over crowded messy room that mama doesn't even want to enter ;(!! so i totally clean the room like TOTALLY n i rummage the clothes box. I saw a very eeky fat silverfly!!! they r swarming in the box~!! i unloaded all the clothes, spray the box n my room like i'm killing some beast (haha) n throw the box outside. the clothes, dad told me to soak them in hot water. so i did. tomorrow gonna be laundry daaay~~~~~~~`
um so after like 4 hours of total cleansing. here is my room! unfortunately i didnt snap the 'before'pics huhu

My Abaya, bathrobe,towel & hoodie
Everything is in place. haha
D peaceful view outside
Mama, it's not messy anymore 0;D
Current books that i'm re-reading, body & face stuffs, medicine, make-up stuffs & my teddy ;D
My lovely hijabs
Eyeliners, specs, watch, eyeshadow, mirros ;D
one year stock :P
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