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Jan 22, 2013

People talk bout politics here n there, some asked me which side will i choose?

IMO who ever rule does not matter, as long as they bring benefits to the citizen and the country.  We pay taxes, we do business and we did so many thing to developed our country. If you said because of the 'authority' that our country flourish. True, they set the system but who was the one that made it works? Of course it's us; the citizen. In the ant colony, the Queen started first by building her own nest and take care of her first batch of 'babies' who later on will continue to expand and serve the colony for the next 20 years or so. Without her workers she can't go on living and expand her colony. It's the same as us; without employees a company can't run. Take away the mail boy; who will distribute our mails? Without us and our unity what will happen to this country?  Don't we deserve some benefits from the land that we dying-ly build?

Do you think I will choose the ruler who gives shits to his/her citizens? You might be retarded if you do so.

I do not 'hail' or 'worshiped' anyone except my god. Religions and politics issues are two different matter. Since our country are made off zillions of religion practices, you can't oppress one another. Religions are sensitive issues and people have their own believes. IMO whatever religions you want to believe in is totally your choice, as long as you do not touch the boundaries and do not ridicule others believe.

We send our kids to school until they graduated and filled them with mass knowledge. Yet some of our mentally numbness person tried to brainwash them and some try to pull them into an idiotic movements. At the end of the day people call these children 'ungrateful'..who the hell can stand this kind of idio-cracy?  That's why they left this country..

For the Bumis & Malays, the system that had been established to give priority & specialty for them were taken for granted. What's more do you want from the authority? In fact they divided themselves and mocked each other. Can't you sit down and think for a while where else in this world you can go and find this kind of privileged? When everybody unite and stand corrected, imagine the goodness that our children's children's children will benefit. If we keep on doing what we're doing right now; our believes and customs will be thrown down to the deepest pit.

In simple words; use your brain which is in your skull not the one u're sitting on.