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Jan 31, 2013

I always listen to John Denver since small with dad. My favourite songs are Perhaps Love, Annie's song and Leaving on a jet plane.
I thank you Allah for giving me the best of parents. Who love me tenderly and so much more where words can't describe how wonderful they are.
I dedicate this lovely songs to my parents:
Our parents might had hurt us deeply or not but they are still our parents. Have we forgotten the sacrifices they made for us? We became who we are right now because of who? I too, hurts my parents in many ways..and I'm ashamed of myself. I hope they'd forgive me and never hate me. In fact they forgave my silly mistakes and love me nonetheless. I love them so much that it scared me to think if one day they'd leave me. Sometimes i wish time would stop and let this blissful feeling stay forever.
I once asked my dad, in his eyes how old am i? He smile and answered; three years old. I was crying inside at that moment.
I may have fought and jokes a lot with mama because I wanted her to laugh and let go of her frustration. She's the reason I've become a wonderful woman now. She supported me in many ways. Even though her words and actions hurt me sometimes but that's how it's supposed to be.
Who else in this world that could say everything straight to our face and never act hypocrite towards us other than our parents?
I may be stubborn I may be spoilt but for them I am willing to sacrifice myself, my time and my world. :)
Who would willingly stayed up late at night to beat all the mosquitoes that swarming around us while we're sleeping? It's our father
Who would sacrifice 9 months and 20 years more of her life dearly taking care of a child? Day or night she would make sure that we are fine? It's our mother.
All in all, when we're older and get married. We became so rude to our parents...even to visit their own children needs permission..goodness gracious please repent if u do this to your parents.
Is it a satisfaction seeing you parents in troubles and griefs?
I may not have lots of money or properties or my own family. But if one day i have all of this I won't (in god's will) abandoned and make my parents cry. Do you think by giving them money it means you can overthrown them? Ask Allah for forgiveness now.
The bottom line is..don't regret when it's too late and remember. You WILL BE a parent later on.
Nauzubillah min zalik / "May Allah protect us from that"
Here's a song for the sensitive people out there to cry n go call/hug/kiss ur parents now:
Jan 22, 2013
People talk bout politics here n there, some asked me which side will i choose?
IMO who ever rule does not matter, as long as they bring benefits to the citizen and the country. We pay taxes, we do business and we did so many thing to developed our country. If you said because of the 'authority' that our country flourish. True, they set the system but who was the one that made it works? Of course it's us; the citizen. In the ant colony, the Queen started first by building her own nest and take care of her first batch of 'babies' who later on will continue to expand and serve the colony for the next 20 years or so. Without her workers she can't go on living and expand her colony. It's the same as us; without employees a company can't run. Take away the mail boy; who will distribute our mails? Without us and our unity what will happen to this country? Don't we deserve some benefits from the land that we dying-ly build?
Do you think I will choose the ruler who gives shits to his/her citizens? You might be retarded if you do so.
I do not 'hail' or 'worshiped' anyone except my god. Religions and politics issues are two different matter. Since our country are made off zillions of religion practices, you can't oppress one another. Religions are sensitive issues and people have their own believes. IMO whatever religions you want to believe in is totally your choice, as long as you do not touch the boundaries and do not ridicule others believe.
We send our kids to school until they graduated and filled them with mass knowledge. Yet some of our mentally numbness person tried to brainwash them and some try to pull them into an idiotic movements. At the end of the day people call these children 'ungrateful'..who the hell can stand this kind of idio-cracy? That's why they left this country..
For the Bumis & Malays, the system that had been established to give priority & specialty for them were taken for granted. What's more do you want from the authority? In fact they divided themselves and mocked each other. Can't you sit down and think for a while where else in this world you can go and find this kind of privileged? When everybody unite and stand corrected, imagine the goodness that our children's children's children will benefit. If we keep on doing what we're doing right now; our believes and customs will be thrown down to the deepest pit.
In simple words; use your brain which is in your skull not the one u're sitting on.
Jan 9, 2013
Last sunday, i found a very cute kitten near the shop mum n i always go..unfortunately he has umbilical hernia and the organ is already out of the skin. It's dangling under his small tummy. We took him home and feed him. I make sure he's fine and safe from any dangerous stuff. I clean the cat's house everyday. We went to the vet and it cost 400-500RM to do the surgery. That left me with no choice but hope he will live ling enough or die painlessly.
Babu (my white fat cat), was a little jealous with this new member while domo (d black one) became more attached to me. Babu won't let me scratch him as he always want before he goes to sleep. But i still catch him n give him a bear hug! :3
The shop are progressing very well, as expected everything will be done by February. huuuu~~ i have nothing to do at hooome~~ hehe
another update, hmm as usual, I'm so disappointed again. for how many times i don't even know.
I had quite a long chat with dad a while ago. The matter of me getting married someday is always included in our chit chat. haha. I don't feel like doing so, anymore.............my lips n brain say so, but my heart denying..
what's wrong with me?
Anyway, who ever will be my husband or my in-laws; if u gained my dad's trust which is quite hard, u're one lucky guy cuz he will love u very much. If u're one of 'take everything for granted guy', i hope u die in the darkest pit. I hope I'll fine a good guy who can lead me in this world n hereafter. I also wish that he appreciate my very existence in his life and didn't put me 2nd to another girl other than his mother.
-I believe if it's not meant to be, they are something great awaits you-
Babu (my white fat cat), was a little jealous with this new member while domo (d black one) became more attached to me. Babu won't let me scratch him as he always want before he goes to sleep. But i still catch him n give him a bear hug! :3
The shop are progressing very well, as expected everything will be done by February. huuuu~~ i have nothing to do at hooome~~ hehe
another update, hmm as usual, I'm so disappointed again. for how many times i don't even know.
I had quite a long chat with dad a while ago. The matter of me getting married someday is always included in our chit chat. haha. I don't feel like doing so, anymore.............my lips n brain say so, but my heart denying..
what's wrong with me?
Anyway, who ever will be my husband or my in-laws; if u gained my dad's trust which is quite hard, u're one lucky guy cuz he will love u very much. If u're one of 'take everything for granted guy', i hope u die in the darkest pit. I hope I'll fine a good guy who can lead me in this world n hereafter. I also wish that he appreciate my very existence in his life and didn't put me 2nd to another girl other than his mother.
-I believe if it's not meant to be, they are something great awaits you-
Jan 5, 2013
Here's my loveable boutique's website Yusra Boutique n here's the facebook page Yusra's FB
the shops are still under construction. But most of it are nearly done. Due to non-stop raining, the launching date was push back a little huhuhu. tomorrow me n parents will meet the contractor for the interior renovation :D. i am so excited!
the shops are still under construction. But most of it are nearly done. Due to non-stop raining, the launching date was push back a little huhuhu. tomorrow me n parents will meet the contractor for the interior renovation :D. i am so excited!
Jan 1, 2013
According to the 'western' calendar, it's already the new year 2013. Another 365 rounds to go. Hopefully everything will turn out to be much better that before :)
Some might have the good turns but for some it's the most heart wrenching beginning. But fret not my dears, no matter what happened we have to keep going. If the one we love leave us behind and never to come back. Weep and let everything out, then rise again. Our Almighty God is always there watching over us. He's there when we're sad or happy. Have faith in urself.
When i'm down with all the hardship that i have to go through. When i'm about to break down. I'll cry and cry till it hurts my lungs. I wish that everything was just a dream or i wish to vanish. But this is what my road of life looks like and i have to go on even if it gets too much and even if i goes astray. Sometimes, I forgot to sit longer and talk to Him. Sometimes, I was not sincere enough being with Him. Sometimes, I forgot to be thankful of what i have for all my life. Due to his immense loves, he will call me back and I will be on the right path again. Even if the whole world outcast us, He never abandoned us.
When the pain was too intense, i will complaint and be mad. But it was totally wrong. With all the hardship He gave us now is something he's preparing for the future. We never know what awaits, but He already sets everything right. I myself sometimes complaint how unfair my life is. I wish i could take that back and i feel like a fool. Without realising i became so strong mentally and not easily shaken. I didn't get mixed up with wrong people nor i turned out wild. Above all, i could be in my parents arms for the longest time than my siblings :).
People might say many unpleasant things about me, hate me or despise me. I survived the biggest 'back-stabbing' of my life. When we don't care bout what they said, things will be much better. All of the sickening false words they spread around about me, i didn't even cracked from it. I was angry because i did so many things that bring them to fame but I was thrown away and fed with ungratefulness. Alas, I do not care and may God repay me with something much more wonderful. They are now lost somewhere in the abyss of my memory trash can. *giggles*
Certain people query about my well-being. Of what i'm doing and what i'm going to do. Thank you for being so curious and interested in me.If u're being such a pester and a crack-pot, no thank you and stay away from me. Some sees me as zero because i have nothing special in my life and i'm not worthy. I just want to tell you that, there are still others who think i'm special and they are the most wonderful person in this world. Even if you don't like me for who i am and what i'm lacking; what's in you that's so special that you could look down on me? Our life is limited, we never know when we might die. I wanted to explore this world but that is quite impossible. What i can do is learn as much as i can. I hate repetitive works especially studying. I hate school except my friends and few teachers. I hate being caged and doing something that is not going to be use in my life later on. Aaand that was what i actually did till i finished my high school. I never care about my result because those papers means nothing much. I love practicals more than theories. I learnt many things by heart. From tedious works to more of a challenging ones. Well there is nothing to be proud of but i can at least fix and change burnt wires in plug, fix the lamp, make simple electric connections and also little plumbing. At least i know the importance things about taking care of car's engine 0.o. I can bake, cook and most of the house-works. I can do gardening and drawing. I do dance and online gaming. And quite good in computer stuffs. All that's left is perfecting my sewing skills.
If u roll ur eyes while reading this, let me ask you; can u do all of these? If you can, well congratulation you are a perfect human being for me.
This year April, i will be 24 years old. My god bless me on that. I feel like i'm still a little child. A part of me is scared as if my life is like layers of roses; each year goes by is equal to the petals that are drying out and dropping one at a time. ~.~! I'm hopping for this February to finally starts my shop and nothing intriguing comes along. What kind of shop you may ask, well i'll let you guess. I'll try to post some updates of how the progression. Where it might be, hmm...surprise! :)
Here are the most touching songs that will make me cry everytime i listen to them:
When i'm down with all the hardship that i have to go through. When i'm about to break down. I'll cry and cry till it hurts my lungs. I wish that everything was just a dream or i wish to vanish. But this is what my road of life looks like and i have to go on even if it gets too much and even if i goes astray. Sometimes, I forgot to sit longer and talk to Him. Sometimes, I was not sincere enough being with Him. Sometimes, I forgot to be thankful of what i have for all my life. Due to his immense loves, he will call me back and I will be on the right path again. Even if the whole world outcast us, He never abandoned us.
When the pain was too intense, i will complaint and be mad. But it was totally wrong. With all the hardship He gave us now is something he's preparing for the future. We never know what awaits, but He already sets everything right. I myself sometimes complaint how unfair my life is. I wish i could take that back and i feel like a fool. Without realising i became so strong mentally and not easily shaken. I didn't get mixed up with wrong people nor i turned out wild. Above all, i could be in my parents arms for the longest time than my siblings :).
People might say many unpleasant things about me, hate me or despise me. I survived the biggest 'back-stabbing' of my life. When we don't care bout what they said, things will be much better. All of the sickening false words they spread around about me, i didn't even cracked from it. I was angry because i did so many things that bring them to fame but I was thrown away and fed with ungratefulness. Alas, I do not care and may God repay me with something much more wonderful. They are now lost somewhere in the abyss of my memory trash can. *giggles*
If u roll ur eyes while reading this, let me ask you; can u do all of these? If you can, well congratulation you are a perfect human being for me.
This year April, i will be 24 years old. My god bless me on that. I feel like i'm still a little child. A part of me is scared as if my life is like layers of roses; each year goes by is equal to the petals that are drying out and dropping one at a time. ~.~! I'm hopping for this February to finally starts my shop and nothing intriguing comes along. What kind of shop you may ask, well i'll let you guess. I'll try to post some updates of how the progression. Where it might be, hmm...surprise! :)
Here are the most touching songs that will make me cry everytime i listen to them:
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